
  • Subscribe & Save

    Let us make life a little easier. Subscribe to our most coveted teas and herbal infusions at a savings to you. Conveniently delivered directly to your door at a cadence of your choice.

    Starting At
    per month
    Subscription Benefits
    • Save 5% on every recurring order & up to 25% annually.
    • Free shipping on all subscriptions.
    • Cancel or modify your subscription any time.
  • Gift a Subscription

    The perfect gift for friends and family with excellent taste. Just choose from a variety of 3 and 6-month tea subscriptions and we’ll take care of the rest.

    Starting At
    3 month subscription (with free shipping)
    How It Works
    • Select a collection of teas, or let us curate a collection for you.
    • Choose a 3 or 6 month duration.
    • Make someone's day.